In celebration of
Black History Month, the American Corner of
Veria’s Public Library and the State English Teachers’ Union of Emathia, gave us the opportunity to watch the movie-documentary ‘’Soundtrack for a Revolution’’. The movie tells the story of the American civil rights movement through its powerful music - the freedom songs protesters sang on picket lines, in mass meetings, and in jail cells as they fought for justice and equality. Freedom songs evolved from slave chants, from the labor movement, and especially from the black church. Music enabled blacks to sing words they could not say, and it was crucial in helping the protesters as they faced down brutal aggression with dignity and non-violence. The energy of the songs swept people up and empowered them to fight for their rights.
The movie managed to move us and teach us that freedom is one of the most important values for humanity, and as Martin Luther King said
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”.
Maria Karadoumani, Kostas Kokkaliaris
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